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Iran Liberalism

Iran’s Military Likely Can’t Fight Thanks to Coronavirus Iran Liberalism

Iran’s Military Likely Can’t Fight Thanks to Coronavirus

Secrecy, denial, and incompetence have condemned thousands of Iranians to their deaths amidst the coronavirus outbreak. Even if Iranian leaders now adopt best-practices, it is likely too late to meaningfully control the virus’s continued spread in Tehran. Traffic jams show that the city—which has grown seven-fold since the 1979 Islamic…
April 10, 2020
Recorded Future Iran Liberalism

Recorded Future

Editor’s Note: The following post is an excerpt of a full report. To read the entire analysis, click here to download the report as a PDF. Recorded Future’s Insikt Group® is conducting ongoing research on the organizations involved in Iran’s cyber program. This report serves to provide greater insight into…
April 10, 2020
Iran’s Hidden Coronavirus Victims: Prisoners, Migrants, And the Poor Iran Liberalism

Iran’s Hidden Coronavirus Victims: Prisoners, Migrants, And the Poor

Iranian security forces killed thirty-five prisoners during a riot over coronavirus, Amnesty International reported. The novel coronavirus has spread through Iran amid an economic meltdown, leaving the poor and vulnerable segments of society more at risk. Reports have emerged of violence in prisons—particularly in ethnic minority regions—as well as coronavirus…
April 9, 2020
An IMF Bailout Won’t Help The Iranian People Fight Coronavirus Iran Liberalism

An IMF Bailout Won’t Help The Iranian People Fight Coronavirus

As Iran’s leadership debates how to respond to the health and economic crises ensuing from the coronavirus (COVID-19), the country has put forth a request for a $5 billion loan from the International Monetary Fund’s (IMF) Rapid Financial Investment fund. Since the United States is the largest shareholder, Washington has an effective veto over whether…
March 31, 2020
‘Not a Time For Political War’: Rouhani Slams US Anti-Iranian Sanctions Amid Coronavirus Pandemic Iran Liberalism

‘Not a Time For Political War’: Rouhani Slams US Anti-Iranian Sanctions Amid Coronavirus Pandemic

Middle East23:46 GMT 29.03.2020(updated 00:00 GMT 30.03.2020) Get short URLOn Thursday, the Trump administration added five organizations, as well as fifteen people, to its sanction lists over their alleged ties with Iran's Revolutionary Guards Quds Force at a time when Tehran is calling for the sanctions on its economy to…
March 30, 2020