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Iran Liberalism

Son Of Prominent Afghan Scholar Self-Immolates In Iran To Protest Discrimination Iran Liberalism

Son Of Prominent Afghan Scholar Self-Immolates In Iran To Protest Discrimination

Celebrated Afghan scholar Najib Mayel Heravi has lived in neighboring Iran for nearly 50 years, penning scores of acclaimed books and other treatises on ancient Persian manuscripts, literature, and Islamic mysticism. The 68-year-old native of Herat in western Afghanistan has an Iranian wife, and both of his sons were born…
June 24, 2020
Washington’s ‘Maximum Pressure’ seeks Regime Change in Iran, but such changes Have usually been disasters for US Interests Iran Liberalism

Washington’s ‘Maximum Pressure’ seeks Regime Change in Iran, but such changes Have usually been disasters for US Interests

Washington, D.C. (Special to Informed Comment) – The United States’ unilateral withdrawal from the unanimous UNSCR 2231—the “Iran nuclear deal” -— along with the enactment of an unprecedented “maximum pressure” sanctions regime on the Islamic Republic of Iran has amounted to a strategic-level strike on the economy of this country…
June 18, 2020
Iran, two worlds apart: Exploring an Iranian society more divided than ever Iran Liberalism

Iran, two worlds apart: Exploring an Iranian society more divided than ever

/ Shows / Reporters Issued on: 05/06/2020 - 17:48Modified: 05/06/2020 - 17:48 REPORTERS © FRANCE 24 Every day in the Iranian capital Tehran, thousands of supporters of the most conservative branch of the Iranian regime visit mausoleums honouring Shiite martyrs or other places linked to the Islamic Revolution. But on the streets,…
June 5, 2020