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Iran Liberalism

The Ayatollah in the White House Iran Liberalism

The Ayatollah in the White House

Since the 1950s, the history of the United States and of Iran has been amazingly intertwined. Unfortunately, at decisive turns in history, the two countries' relationship was a tragic one. The action taken by one typically triggered disastrous effects in the other.  Closely, but tragically intertwined Usually, the lubricant that facilitated –…
May 5, 2020
Challenges to U.S. Sanctions Against Iran During the Coronavirus Pandemic Iran Liberalism

Challenges to U.S. Sanctions Against Iran During the Coronavirus Pandemic

The coronavirus has hit Iran hard. As the country grapples with the highest mortality rate from COVID-19 across the Middle East, the Trump administration has faced widespread calls to ease U.S. sanctions on Iran. The strict bilateral sanctions, which the Trump administration has reimposed since the U.S. withdrawal from the…
April 30, 2020
The Islamic Republic of Iran four decades on: The 2017/18 protests amid a triple crisis Iran Liberalism

The Islamic Republic of Iran four decades on: The 2017/18 protests amid a triple crisis

Throughout its tumultuous four decades of rule, the Islamic Republic has shown remarkable longevity, despite regular predictions of its im- pending demise. However, the fact that it has largely failed to deliver on the promises of the 1979 revolution, above all democracy and social justice, continues to haunt its present…
April 27, 2020