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Economic Bubble

The U.S. Is Caught In An Economic Death Spiral, And One Group Is Being Hit Particularly Hard… Economic Bubble

The U.S. Is Caught In An Economic Death Spiral, And One Group Is Being Hit Particularly Hard…

Many have been warning for years that our economic bubble would eventually burst and that a collapse was inevitably coming, but the ferocity of this new economic crisis has caught just about everyone off guard.  And even though some states have been attempting to “reopen” their economies in recent days,…
May 15, 2020
Negative Rates Are Not An Option, Economic Outlook “Highly Uncertain” Economic Bubble

Negative Rates Are Not An Option, Economic Outlook “Highly Uncertain”

by Mike Shedlock Negative rates are not an option. That was Fed Chair Jerome Powell’s point as he reiterated the Fed’s position on negative rates. He gave his economic assessment as well. Economic Outlook “Highly Uncertain” In a live economic interview with PIIE, Jerome Powell discussed the Fed’s outlook for the…
May 14, 2020
RPT-COLUMN-Iron ore, coking coal divorce over China’s coronavirus recovery: Russell Economic Bubble

RPT-COLUMN-Iron ore, coking coal divorce over China’s coronavirus recovery: Russell

(Repeats with no changes. The opinions expressed here are those of the author, a columnist for Reuters.) * GRAPHIC: Spot iron ore vs SGX coking coal: By Clyde Russell LAUNCESTON, Australia, May 11 (Reuters) - There is an increasing disconnect between the two key ingredients for making steel, with…
May 11, 2020
About One-Fifth Of All The Jobs In The U.S. Are Already Gone, And This Economic Depression Is Just 6 Weeks Old Economic Bubble

About One-Fifth Of All The Jobs In The U.S. Are Already Gone, And This Economic Depression Is Just 6 Weeks Old

by Michael Snyder In all of U.S. history we have never seen anything like this.  I have been sitting at my desk for quite a while searching for the proper words to convey the gravity of what we are facing, and to be honest it has been quite a struggle. …
May 1, 2020