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Boeing 737max

Stop the Bailout Rip-Off Boeing 737max

Stop the Bailout Rip-Off

by Kerry LutzFinancial Survival Network Dear Readers, As usual, the American Taxpayer is getting the short end of the bail-out stick. Since we’re already running trillion-plus deficits, the taxpayer won’t be directly picking up the tab for the latest round of corporate welfare transfer payments. Rather currency holders, savers, bond…
March 23, 2020
If You And I Bail Out The Airlines, Hotels, And Boeing, What Should We Ask For In Return? Boeing 737max

If You And I Bail Out The Airlines, Hotels, And Boeing, What Should We Ask For In Return?

Never Miss Another Deal - Follow DansDeals on FacebookUpdate: I created a petition for a traveler’s bill of rights here. Please take a minute to sign it and send to your friends and family! The petition is limited to just 800 characters, but you can read the explanation of the…
March 18, 2020