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Water Scarcity

How The Billionaire Behind The Movie ‘Contagion’ Is Working To Stop This Pandemic—And The Next One Water Scarcity

How The Billionaire Behind The Movie ‘Contagion’ Is Working To Stop This Pandemic—And The Next One

Jeff Skoll has been funding pandemic preparedness for more than a decade, even longer than Bill Gates. In recent months, he’s increased his philanthropic giving to help combat Covid-19. Nine years ago, Jeff Skoll’s film company Participant Media partnered with Warner Brothers to put out Contagion, a movie about a…
June 24, 2020
Unilever pledges €1bn to reduce climate-change impact in its processes Water Scarcity

Unilever pledges €1bn to reduce climate-change impact in its processes

Unilever, the owner of Dove, Marmite and Knorr, is to invest €1bn (£900m) to help reduce the impact of climate change throughout its production and distribution processes. Working alongside farmers, governments and organisations in the next decade, the climate and nature fund aims to restore forests, soil and biodiversity, with…
June 15, 2020
Yemen Press Reader 658: | Jemenkrieg-Mosaik 658 Water Scarcity

Yemen Press Reader 658: | Jemenkrieg-Mosaik 658

Yemen Press Reader 658: 13. Juni 2020: Serie: Jemens Kulturerbe – Studie: Langzeitauswirkungen von Bombenangriffen in Wohngebieten – Die neue feudale Steuer der Huthis – Rolle der Islah-Partei.. Bei diesem Beitrag handelt es sich um ein Blog aus der Freitag-Community Eingebetteter MedieninhaltEingebetteter MedieninhaltEingebetteter Medieninhalt... Einmischung der Türkei im Jemen –…
June 13, 2020
How Girls in Informal Settlements Are Coping With Menstrual Health During South Africa’s COVID-19 Lockdown Water Scarcity

How Girls in Informal Settlements Are Coping With Menstrual Health During South Africa’s COVID-19 Lockdown

On May 28, we celebrate Menstrual Hygiene Day, which is dedicated to breaking the silence around periods and promoting good menstrual hygiene management for all. CAPE TOWN, South Africa - When environmentalist Xoli Fuyani saw a need for girl-focused support at schools on the Cape Flats in Cape Town and…
June 9, 2020