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Water Pollution

Eco-Friendly Engagement Rings: Sustainable Options For Conscious Couples Water Pollution

Eco-Friendly Engagement Rings: Sustainable Options For Conscious Couples

Diamond engagement rings symbolize eternal love with their brilliance and represent the strength of a lasting partnership. Unfortunately, the tradition of diamond mining has negative effects on the environment, such as ecosystem devastation and water pollution. This raises concerns about whether the symbol of love is worth the environmental cost.…
March 22, 2024
Divergent States Working to Safeguard America’s Most Important River Water Pollution

Divergent States Working to Safeguard America’s Most Important River

NEW ORLEANS, LOUISIANA —  Political leaders in the Mississippi River area are looking to form a multistate compact to manage threats from climate change, water pollution and drought-affected regions elsewhere. “Twenty million people drink from the Mississippi River and its tributaries every day, including me and my family,” said Colin…
October 26, 2023