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Refugees Welcome

Journalists like me have stopped going on TV to save our sanity. We don’t need more of the same bigoted ‘debate’ Refugees Welcome

Journalists like me have stopped going on TV to save our sanity. We don’t need more of the same bigoted ‘debate’

Something worrying is happening in the British media. In fact, a tide has been turning for some time. As waves of shouting over Brexit and bigotry roll over us, we are left swimming in a industry-wide sea of contrarian commentary. The problem is not entirely…
January 29, 2020
January Blues Refugees Welcome

January Blues

Hi and welcome to another January edition of Laura's Links. This is the I'm Completely and Utterly Freezing My Zionist Tuchus Off Why Do I Live In Such A Cold Place issue. actually heard on the radio over the weekend that Monday was officially The Most Depres…
January 22, 2020
It’s not only Laurence Fox who should raise questions for the BBC after last week’s Question Time Refugees Welcome

It’s not only Laurence Fox who should raise questions for the BBC after last week’s Question Time

Since last Thursdays episode of BBCQuestion Time, actor Laurence Fox has been at the centre of much controversy about his perception of racism. But the debate over his trollish arguments may be occluding a more significant issue. During a debate over whether…
January 21, 2020
UK schools have targeted black children for generations – the education system is overdue for a reckoning Refugees Welcome

UK schools have targeted black children for generations – the education system is overdue for a reckoning

The penny should have dropped long before now. That it has taken this amount of time is a sign of a much bigger issue: the UKs unwillingness to accept, once and for all, that black children are exposed to discrimination the minute they enter the education sys…
January 12, 2020