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Indian Lithium-ion Battery Manufacturing Market: 2017-2020, 2021-2025 and 2026-2030 Lithium

Indian Lithium-ion Battery Manufacturing Market: 2017-2020, 2021-2025 and 2026-2030

DUBLIN--(BUSINESS WIRE)--The "Lithium-ion Battery Manufacturing Market in India 2020" report has been added to's offering. The rapid penetration of electric vehicles in India is expected to drive the need for Lithium (Li)-ion battery manufacturing in the country. Li-ion batteries act as the primary storage option for electro-chemical energy. These…
April 28, 2020
Electrochemical Methods for Lithium Recovery: A Comprehensive and Critical Review Lithium

Electrochemical Methods for Lithium Recovery: A Comprehensive and Critical Review

1 Introduction Although lithium has been used as a raw material in various production sectors, such as glass, ceramics, and aluminum, in the last two decades its importance has raised due to the spread of Li‐ion batteries in portable devices, electromobility, and large‐scale energy storage. Lithium production grew steadily year…
April 19, 2020
This tech breakthrough could revolutionize lithium extraction Lithium

This tech breakthrough could revolutionize lithium extraction

A research team is close to patenting a new technique to extract lithium from brine that could revolutionize the lithium extraction process and potentially cut the production costs of a key component of lithium-ion batteries.   A team of researchers from Australia’s Monash University, Australia’s national science agency CSIRO, the University…
April 14, 2020
This week in Auto: Will COVID-19 dash electric vehicle plans? Bajaj-KTM to make e-mopeds Lithium

This week in Auto: Will COVID-19 dash electric vehicle plans? Bajaj-KTM to make e-mopeds

It is now given that the coronavirus or COVID-19 pandemic will become the biggest reason for a prolonged slowdown in automotive demand, not just in India, but across the world. The disruption though has happened in the middle of a critical transition that the automotive world was witnessing; switch over…
April 11, 2020
Techno-socialism or de-growth? Lithium

Techno-socialism or de-growth?

The second in a three-part interview on capitalism and climate breakdown from Political Economy for the End Times. Javier Moreno Zacares (JMZ): In your work, you historicise the emergence of what you call the ‘growth paradigm’ – the self-conscious pursuit of linear growth. You argue that this logic is not built…
April 7, 2020
Studies Say Morales Won Fairly, UN & Latin American Institutions Must Take Action – Ex-UN Official Lithium

Studies Say Morales Won Fairly, UN & Latin American Institutions Must Take Action – Ex-UN Official

The latest statistical analyses say that the Organisation of American States' conclusions about the alleged fraud in Bolivia’s October vote don't hold water. Ex-UN official Alfred de Zayas has explained what steps could be taken by international and regional bodies in the aftermath of the exposure and shed light on…
March 15, 2020