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Ubisoft: Steam’s revenue model is ‘unrealistic’

Ubisoft was one of the first major publishers to jump aboard both the Epic Games Store and Google Stadia streaming platform. And the company is embracing those alternatives to the Steam market in part because Valve’s game-distribution portal takes too much mo…
August 28, 2019

Fortnite Brute is finally nerfed – CNET

Some big changes are happening to the Brute.  Epic Games The Brute in Fortnite received a major downgrade by developer Epic Games. This comes after weeks of players complaining the mech was far too overpowered for the game.  Epic rebalanced the Brute on Th…
August 24, 2019

Fortnite Season 10 Is A Bust

There was a lot of player excitement in the run-up to Fortnites Season 10, with early hints suggesting the return of old, beloved landmarks like Dusty Depot to the games constantly-changing map. When the new season arrived earlier this month, it brought those…
August 22, 2019